Compiled & written by Andrew Nemeth, Australia
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Site last updated:  Sun, 01 Oct 2023

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Tripod collar for the 80-200mm?

Want to use a tripod collar for your Vario-Elmar-R 80-200mm F4? "Lucien" notes the following handy tip:

Yes, the Leica STA-1 (#14636) will fit it, but was not made for it. [It was instead made for the 100mm Elmarit-R-APO-Macro.]

[On the 80-200mm] it will be very close to the aperture ring and you will have to cut some plastic every 90° to make room for the plastic red dot.

In Jan 2003, "Justin Scott" <jcdscott@> sent me a note with an alternative tip:

The solution I found to be easier was the removal of the red-dot on the lens instead. It can be re-attached later with Araldite.


Leica STA-1 has been discontinued!

Of course you can still buy used ones, but otherwise the STA-1 has been taken off Leica's inventory.

So what are your alternatives? Why not try a custom made lens bracket instead! These can be made-to-measure either by SRB in England [] or Isarfoto in Germany [].

They typically cost @ € 120 Euro and are apparently well made. In April 2003 there was a discussion at < #004rig> about these and other brackets - definitely worth a look if you are thinking of going down this route.

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This FAQ has over 900 external links. Over time it is inevitable some of them will break. If you are bothered by this, see this detailed topic elsewhere in the FAQ.

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